I chose the blog entry Do You Want a Revolution by Eileen Smith, editor of In the Pink. This critique of the ABC news article was very entertaining to me. The author's intended audience was obviously for someone who enjoys the sight of Rick Perry making a fool of himself in the recent debates. If you are informed at all about how these debates are going, you will know that debates aren't Perry's strong point. The author bluntly points that out and makes her opinion clear to all that she agrees with that statement.
The author states that Perry discussed some American history with the Beta Theta Pi fraternity from Dartmouth university and slipped up on his dates. Actually, Perry was off by two whole centuries! Perry was making a point about the intentions of our founding fathers, and their intentions on where the wisdom and power should be held in this country. During this "informative" speech Perry made the mistake of saying the American Revolution happened in the 16th century, when it actually was held during the 18th century. This didn't look too good for Perry.
According to the author, Perry is in the danger zone and is not safe. According to her, Perry's debate performance was at its best "coma-inducing." Although I enjoy the authors humor and sarcasm in this editorial, i feel like its a little too biased for my taste. I agree with the author about Perry making a fool out of himself but it seems to me like the author is bashing on Perry. Although Perry's dates were pretty far off, everyone makes mistakes when they're under pressure. The question is, is it okay for a future leader of our country to make those kind of mistakes under pressure? I certainly don't believe so.
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